In 1806, at London’s Drury Lane Theatre, a murder mystery unfolds behind the scenes of the satirical comedy, A Bold Stroke for a Wife. Playwright Anthony Danielson is mysteriously stabbed in the back after a heated argument with actor Alexander Hildebrand. Meanwhile, in the audience, Lady Worthing, also known as Abigail Carrington Monroe, awaits the final act of the play with her godfather, Neil Vaughn.
Abigail is dealing with her own personal troubles, including a wayward husband who is currently “globetrotting,” and a recent burglary at her home. Vaughn had hoped that the play would serve as a distraction from her problems, but the plan backfires when the murder occurs. However, the unexpected incident sparks Abigail’s interest in detective work, leading her to investigate the murder.
Riley’s thriller, set in the Regency Era, stands out from typical period mysteries in two ways. Firstly, the story is told from the heroine’s perspective, with a narrative that is both fast-paced and concise. Secondly, the murder mystery is intertwined with Abigail’s personal journey of survival in a society that judges her harshly.
Abigail, a Black woman, not only has to deal with her husband’s abandonment but also confronts racial and gender discrimination. Her empathy for Danielson’s widow drives her to solve the murder, even though the killer’s identity could potentially jeopardize the upcoming abolition bill in parliament. The book concludes with an Author’s Note that provides fascinating background information on the characters, locations, and historical context.